Have you been searching for a home business that you can start part-time to supplement your monthly income? Many people from around the world have been searching with frustration for a LEGITIMATE home business that works. Agel offers such an opportunity.
Agel started shipping product in the Spring of 2005 and can now be found in over 30 countries worldwide. Some of the reasons for this phenominal growth are: 1) The wonderful products that Agel manufactures with their proprietary Suspension Gel Technology, 2) The support and help Agel Corporate offers its distributors in the field.
Agel has used the MLM or Network Marketing business model to fuel this amazing growth worldwide. Agel distributors share their Agel products and the Agel business opportunity with friends and family to get started. Then share the Agel story with everyone they have contact with to grow their Agel business.
This method of referral marketing works great for Agel distributors and many other MLM companies, but it does have limitations. If the new Agel distributor has a small contact list, they may struggle to build a significant Agel business. To be successful with your Agel business or any business for that matter, you must have a large customer base that is willing and able to purchase your product on a consistent basis. How many businesses do you know of that depend only on the purchases of the owner's friends and family?
Once the new Agel distributor has talked to the people on their contact list, they begin to struggle to find new people to talk to everyday. When the new distributor reaches this point in building their business, they are advised to buy Agel leads or business opportunity leads.
These new distributors pour their heart and soul into their new business only to discover that they need to purchase expensive leads and call these leads to share the Agel opportunity with everyday. Many of these leads have been purchased over and over again by other home business distributors. Many of these leads have been bothered by the endless opportunity calls and are usually sick and tired of listening to another business opportunity pitch.
I've been there! I have encountered or heard stories of people being hung up on, cursed at, and told to never call again. This is a horrible and frustrating way to build a home business. Not to mention, it is also not a very successful way to build a home business for most people. If you are great at making telemarketing calls and can deal with all the rejection, you may find success. But most of the people in your downline won't be able to duplicate your success.
I refuse to buy and call leads to build my home business. I let the parent company use their expertise and do the marketing for me. When the parent company converts an individual into a buying customer, I buy the future purchases made by that customer. The parent company does all the marketing and follow-up with the customer while I buy more and more customers to grow my business. This is known as Cooperative Marketing and is a totally different approach to building a home business. A totally unique business model.
To learn more about this unique business model - Go to ItsGoodBusiness.net.
Dave Shlitemeier
Monday, August 11, 2008
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